LAST CHANCE to Buy Bitcoin at BTC Bottom!!

Happy Tuesday members of the altcoin Buzz Army we're back once again looking At our weekly series of bitcoin's Fundamental on-chain metrics if you've Been following along with us these last Few weeks then as you know we've seen Both some positive and some negative Signs on chain we've seen how the Uncertainty of Direction and general Downtrend of the bear Market have been Playing out and you know we thought Along with many of you that this recent Rally was probably just a bear Market Rally a pause if you will before more Downside or maybe even trading sideways For a while but actually one of Bitcoin's most reliable indicators is Telling us no no it wasn't a fake rally No it looks like it won't go any lower From here no there's no excess Supply Waiting to be sold and no we don't think We're going to see a new bottom if Global macroeconomic events and news Cooperate and this indicator is telling Us it looks like the bottom is in and We're changing direction stick around Guys we deep dive into this Bitcoin Indicator in today's video Foreign [Music] Welcome to the channel my name is Maddie And this is altcoin Buzz we are a crypto Investment research Company If you're Looking for more robust up to the minute

Cutting Edge research on all things not Only Bitcoin but altcoins of course and Blockchain including hidden gems in the Crypto space then you may want to check Out our altcoin Buzz access group plan Start at 99 you can find more Information on that using the link in Our description below but guys just a Friendly heads up whether it's Cryptocurrency or any other investment Space there's a lot of corresponding Risk in this kind of behavior this kind Of action that you know we're all taking As investors so this video should be Considered to be informative in nature But not Financial or investment advice And as always we take your feedback to Heart so if you like this series on Bitcoin on chain analytics and metrics Leave a comment about that in the Comment section below or sound off on What it is you'd like us to cover next Whether it's a related topic or a new Altcoin project altogether let us know In the comments below what you like us To cover in future videos okay so before We get to the star of the show today we Want to First cover two let's call them Smaller indicators but both are moving In a positive direction so this kind of Sets some context it's a good thing to See one is steadily positive and one Just flipped from negative two positive Recently we begin with the number of

Bitcoin addresses our steadily positive Indicator is the number of Bitcoin Addresses with at least 0.01 BTC in Balance so today that's a Balance of roughly 233 dollars this number of addresses Just did an all-time high of 10.5 Million and look remember with only a Little bit over 19 million of the 21 Total million BTC out in the market as Circulating Supply this number is pretty Big it shows that there are lots of Small holders which is an important Observation and even more importantly That the bear Market has done nothing to Discourage them from buying actually if You look at it the globe mobile economic Outlook and inflation is not Discouraging them all that much from Buying it's encouraging them to buy more If anything at least it can be Interpreted that way and you can Probably thank the declining trust in Institutions all over the world for that Tiny but important indicator number two Is the fact that realized price is now Positive so realize price or the price When Bitcoin last moved has moved back Into positive territory and we usually Associate realized price with the price Where the holder bought their coins so This means a few things first of all Hodlers are hodling at a profit which is Great secondly the important mvrv

Indicator is now positive too since Bitcoin is above the realized price That's market value over realized value And third Bitcoin moving realized price From negative to positive always Precedes a rally in the price of Bitcoin That's historically always been the Pattern and as is probably obvious and As we've stated before Bitcoin does lead The market and when it leads you know What happens next altcoins follow and You know the thing about indicators is That it's almost a buffet style you can Kind of pick and choose your favorite so Let us know if these are two that are Important to you if not are there other Indicators that you use do you think any Of these indicators have credibility or Is it not something that you deal with At all let us know in the comments Below Guys okay but on to the main indicator That we want to focus on today it is net Unrealized profit also known as nup this Is the difference between market cap and Realized market cap or today's price Against the price when the coins were Purchased so it effectively represents How profitable holders are with their Holdings how profitable their Investments are values below zero for Example meaning the net BTC investor is Holding at a loss that's usually a sign Of a bear Market bottom it helps us find Tops as well though because when nup is

Declining like you can see how on this Chart it means that hodlers are becoming Less and less profitable and when nup Hits its low and then bounces higher off Of it that is a good sign and nup hit a Two-year low of 0.36 and when it hit its Low that's the point of greatest pain For investors it's the most unprofitable Their positions can be without going Lower and after hitting that two year Low of 0.36 nup is now bouncing off into Higher territory it's now 0.40 and many On-chain analysts thought the nup for Bitcoin could go even lower maybe even Below zero but it didn't it held steady At 0.36 and has already bounced higher From there now the last time bitcoin's Nup was this low at 0.36 we were in March of 2020 we all know what happened There a rally from 3 800 all the way up To 68 000 or so followed now look we Can't guarantee a 20 x as happened Beginning in March of 2020. in fact we Can't guarantee anything but we can look For Clues and that's the idea behind on Chain analysis that's what we look for Bitcoin's risk reward looks favorable to Us right now because the downside risk Here is so much lower than where it was At sixty eight thousand dollars with all The positives supporting that particular Price point and despite bitcoin's Volatile but sideways activity honestly Between 20 and 24K the nup recovery has

Been just what people have been looking For slow and steady no Whiplash up and Whiplash down slow and steady hodlers Are becoming more profitable again but Are doing so at a realistic pace so look Does it mean that we missed the bottom In the 18K range yeah maybe the exact Bottom but in the big picture Bitcoin Has very high return potential and the Difference between 18K and 22k is not All that much because if Bitcoin hits a Hundred thousand dollars five hundred Thousand dollars a million dollars Eventually per coin as many people Believe it will does it really make a Difference whether you bought in at 18 Or 22k or 20K or 25k for that matter Probably not and so we think it's safe To accumulate here at these levels the Biggest headwind though that we face in The market now is troubling Global macro Trends because major tech companies are Reporting their profits soon GDP and Inflation data can have pretty crazy Effects on the market we are in a Recession from an American perspective Despite the fact that they're redefining The terms and what recession means but Two consecutive quarters of negative GDP Growth that's been established it's been Observed so things are a little Precarious right now and all of this Collectively can lead to conflicting Events for example people may want to

Escape their fiat currency but they have Less funds available to do so they're Earning Less in a country with high Inflation and as I mentioned a recession We're hoping for some clarity on these Questions even though the story of Bitcoins on chain data is getting Clearer by the day price is almost Always a lagging indicator though keep That in mind other measures like tvl for Defy or developer activity for layer 1 Are often leading And we see nup bouncing off a multi-year Low as a leading indicator for a bullish Move and positive price momentum for Bitcoin so there you have it short and Sweet that's how we see things this week We are bullish after observing two Positive sub indicators and one fairly Substantial indicator in the form of nup That we are fairly optimistic about Again the number of Bitcoin addresses Growing slowly and steadily and hitting A new all-time high while the other two Realized price and net unrealized profit They've both made key reversals and they Went from negative into positive Territory meaning good things are Probably coming soon now look how Comfortable are you buying Bitcoin at These levels that is a subjective Question and probably only one that you Can answer let us know your thoughts About that in the comments below if

You're a fan of on-chain analysis like This if you like in-depth research for Other projects including altcoins and Hidden crypto gems then you're probably Going to want to check out our altcoin Buzz access group this is where you get Updated research exclusive reports the Freshest content and by the way you can Talk to our amazing research team Directly plans start at 99 check it out Link as always is in the description Below and in case you missed out check Out last week's on-chain analysis where We go into more detail on ethereum Actually and what's really going on There ethereum has been heating up as we All know is it all about hype when it Comes to the merge or are the on-chain Indicators telling us something Important check out that video also if Games are more your jam then check out Our recent update on our top 5 trending Games in the crypto space we list our Five favorites that we're most excited About they may or may not be your five Favorites but we have reason to keep Them on our altcoin and metaverse and Nft and crypto gaming radar once again Best of luck if you choose to invest but Never official or financial advice guys If you're still watching this video you Know the drill be sure to like subscribe Share hit the Bell to receive Notifications that way you always stay

Up to speed with all of our latest Content much of which let's be honest Can be fairly time sensitive and check Out these other couple of videos which Should be popping up here to my left to My right stay safe out there members of The altcoin buzz Army as always we do Hope to see you again soon in our next Video take care