Bitcoin Price Is Not What You May Think

Well well well what do we have here We're back in the good old battle Station and welcome back to the Eric Crown crypto Channel wishing you a happy Daily Star to the size hump day as we Move our way through this week a holiday Week which are typically a little bit on The slower side let's say but that Statement might come to bite me back in The bunghole there as uh Bitcoin on the Short term timeframe is actually looking A little bit interesting here which we Did not go over at all from yesterday's Video we did go for the higher term Timeframes and a potential well the Potential trap criteria of which it is Still the same as long as CME is closing Higher term time frames below about just Uh just over 17 000 bucks I do look at The short-term time frames as well you Know like the Deb and flow but to be Looked at as corrected moves first and Foremost so let's jump right on into the Charts right off the bat here and what Do you know looking at four hour bbwp Representing volatility we do look at it As going into contraction phase and well Contraction phase within the context of The current Trend doesn't imply that This occur this is a corrected move and Likely to be a lower high until proven Otherwise so in terms of price check Right here what do we have well we do Still have lower highs as far as that is

Concerned and on the four hour time Frame Bitcoin is Actually making massfly new highs I Wouldn't say mass for new Highs but Higher highs on the four hour RSI Compared to what we did see uh earlier I Think this was last week yeah this was About a week ago Um when Bitcoin was trading a little bit Closer to 17 000 bucks right there so as Long as Bitcoin is below especially that Last slower High well this is you know Still presenting the case for hidden Bearished evidence on the four hour time Frame not just on the four hour time Frame but also in the six hour time Frame as well if we can actually load it There we go internet's beautiful and by The way yesterday I did miss this there Was some regular bullish evidence which Was propelling that little bounce but Again we didn't really speak about the Low term timeframes yesterday so I guess Not super relevant to the topic at hand Anyways uh and then also in the 12 hour Is also going to have the potential for Hidden bearish Divergence as 12r RSI is Making higher highs alongside presumably Lower highs on price section as well so Where does this actually get confirmed As a local high thus a lower high thus Confirming many drops of hidden bearish Divergence all the way up to a 12 hour Time frame and uh very likely propelling

The next move to the downside well that Would be confirmed especially with a Full hour closure below about 16 000 uh 16 100 or so let me just see what This is yeah about 16 150 or so this is Actually on spot price action I just Thought that this chart actually looks a Little bit more interesting um for today If using an hourly then 16 000 even Would do the job uh one of those two Criterias being met would do it for me That would confirm a local high that's a Lower high that's confirm confirming Hidden bearish to evidence and very Likely be getting another move back down Around the current low and well probably Continuation from there as it's going to Bleed into the higher term time frames But with that said let's now go Cross-reference the stocast momentum to See if that you know is confluential With what we're looking at potentially Right here and keep in mind again Intel Local Highs are confirmed these are just Potentials not uh not full-on um Confirmations obviously and in this case If we're just looking at the four hour Time frame you know Bitcoin range highs In this case are 17 100 or so so Anything between here and there is you Know kind of fair game not it doesn't Really change anything as as far as that Goes is what I'm really trying to say so Let's go and reference the 12 of our

Time frame stillcast momentum it is Currently pivoted at 16 062. the reason Why I'm actually using spot price Actually right now is because well when It's a holiday week and then two because There's actually such a big differential Between CME and spot price action There's like almost a 500 uh discount on CME so I just thought that that is Probably less relevant to most people Right now Um but as far as the 12 hour goes again Pivoted at 16 just above 16 000 bucks so Uh currently Bitcoin you know 500 bucks Above that uh which is obviously good But Um you know if we do start to see local Hives confirmed that's going to come Into a question there six hour time Frame is currently pivoted at fifteen Thousand seven fifty so again you know Well below current price action Um this four hour time frame is going to Be pivoted at 16 000 as well so we see That number popping up multiple times Here and by the way the pivots are Actually very similar on CME here too And then the hourly is also going to be Pivoted at or no not actually also but It's going to be pivoted at 16 600 so we Do see a bit of bifurcation right there What does it mean short-term time frames Probably do you play a little bit of a Pullback here the higher term time

Frames continue to range a little or not The high character but the relatively Hard from time frames the medium-term Time frames that we just looked at 4 6 And 12 more more than likely continue to Range into today and then if Bitcoin Does come back down and violate that Very specific area 16 100 on a closing Basis that's the point when well we do Have local highs confirmed and you know Divergences or momentum also start to Take on over hopefully in Confluence for Uh with our volatility indicators over Here namely the bbwp to kind of get a Give a buzz and that and I just got Filled in my orders that is good thank You sir and there we go all right cool Or maybe not so cool uh so now I wanted To once again once again go over the Two-day time frame signature over here Just because you know it's important to Be following up on these things yeah I Know it's boring for a lot of people who Have been watching this channel uh for a Long time now but you know these signals They realistically are going to take a Long time I mean on average we expect This particular one to take you know 24 To 25 days and let me just explain the Signal you again for anyone who might be New here if you are new here if there's Anyone even new in this Market At this point like I think most people Have already run away

Um and there's probably not too many new People coming in but yeah two day time From Senator right here uh again it is a Volatility versus stochastic momentum Signature voltage represented by this Moving metric that my cursor is Currently tracing versus stochastic Momentum right here which is which my Cursor is currently on right now and Basically anytime that the volatility Component gets down to extreme lows the Expansion phase that that follows after That you know by definition or by Mathematical standards Um has led to an average move of about Uh 39.5 over the course of as we just Went over 24 to 25 days again in average There's going to be some variance there And then the stochastic also has been Correcting it in the direction of that Volatile expansion and obviously this One worked again uh about 83 of the time Or 9 out of 11 which not a whole hell of A lot of iterations but good you know It's the best we can do for the full History of CME right here as you can see Anyways um we've already hit the bottom Side of the first standard deviation Base off of the signature over here so That would bring into question that if We are going to see continuation on the Higher term time frames and this is very Much different than the lower term time Frames obviously then we've probably

Look somewhere more close to the average Move at 39.5 which you know as we've Gone over a million times as I Unfortunately kicked my what do you mean I'm sorry computer I didn't mean to kick You it's like a bad dog or something Um terrible don't kick your dogs By the way uh bad Um anyways uh you know that imply Somewhere down to like mid to low 13 000 Bucks Um I do want to take a second to kind of Uh discuss a few things that have been Mulling over for you know potential Continuation Um if this were to happen and again keep It in mind that the average days I Should also go over is 24 to 25 days We've already seen um we're on day Number 19 of this actually now so this Signal is becoming more and more mature It's not quite at the average and again We do expect some variance there but Basically early next week we're going to Be at the average so you would expect That that this if if this is going to Have continuation it probably happens You know in this next six days span or So Um just statistically it's more likely Uh maybe uh maybe as much as like 10 Days Um Uh but uh but you know somewhere within

That would be I think most relevant Anyways I wanted to take a second to Kind of speak a little bit more about Um you know the current feeling within This Market which again uh we remember This yesterday where which is why I was Speaking about a potential trap setup Which is this the sentiment in this Market is like doom and despair and like Literal gutter uh or at least That's how it feels to me and I'm Curious if you feel the same I mean Whenever I go on Twitter or YouTube the Discussions are not like Bitcoins Putting in a low and gonna go to 200 000 Now Um it's quite literally opposite it's More it's it's it's like bitcoin's Definitely going down and the question Is how much and it's very reminiscent of What we saw at the end of the bull Market basically where people were you Know everyone was like super Bullish and myself included by the way I Mean kind of wise be bullshitable Market But the question wasn't like is Bitcoin Going to go up it was how far up is it Gonna go it's gonna go to 100 000 well Duh you know no it's gonna be go to 200 000 you're being way too bearish Man quarter million no sir did you not Look at did you not know that there's Only 21 million Bitcoins well Then certainly has to go to 500 000 or a

Million or whatever the hell you know These were just insane targets obviously And it was that exuberant irrationality Um that we're now starting to witness to The downside so Uh whenever I what whenever you see Something like that human emotions are So consistent in the sense that Like they well they really haven't Changed in hundreds of thousands of Years but you know we oscillate from Like Euphoria to doom and despair Basically and we're starting to get to Like the you know the opposite but equal Uh other side of that and it makes me Very wary here that you know no one's Really considering this particular area A low or even or even that thirteen and A half thousand dollar Regional low it Seems like most people are really Focused on uh 10 to 12 000 Um or or like eight to nine thousand Something like that fair enough you know Maybe that does happen but I'd like to See one thing before the next obviously And I do want to just bring that type of Conversation into mind here because There's gonna be bounces along the way And there could be a potential trap and If you do start to see Bitcoin close Higher term time frames again uh above That 17 000 pivot or so Uh let me just go back to it here you Know you're probably going to see it run

Quite a fair bit to the upside you know Maybe close to 18 and a half to 19 000 After that and uh potentially even 20 000 bucks Um you know that would kind of be at Least in my opinion relevant so you know Do be aware of these sort of Dynamics at Play and um and you know when things do When you know when the bottom actually Is put in it probably does bounce off The bottom like pretty significantly at First and then spending time going Sideways uh as people you know still Don't figure out that the actual low is In Um I'll do my best to to kind of do my Best on this one keep in mind that when We're following this you know when we're Following this setup over here we've Already hit the bottom side of the first Animation so the only reason why I do Why I do say that things could Potentially go for more here simply Because we haven't you know gone at Least to the average days on this so Once that once that occurs which will be Next week and if Bitcoin really isn't Moved too much from here that's at the Point where things are going to start to Look more and more likely that well uh Maybe maybe it is putting at least a Major low here perhaps not a macro low But a major low Um uh and the next move is to the upside

So you know just something to be aware Of um obviously you know between now and Then it's just kind of burning time and Risk remains to the downside obviously Again as long as the stochastic momentum Pivot is uh closed Below in the treated Time frame right here I mean you know That is the more like thing to be Happening statistically speaking you Know not not to mention the five-day Time frame which we've gone over many Times as well but uh you know until then Just you know be aware of these dynamics That play because uh you know we saw to The upside we've seen it in past Cycles Probably seen it to the downside yet Again as well so I think that's good a Place we leave on this particular video I want to be wishing the best best as Always take care much love and see you Hopefully soon