Bitcoin I will never financially recover from this

Ringing Herald Peasants what And inside And welcome back Magical but also extremely serious Magic Internet money cape yes welcome back to The air Crown crypto Channel wishing you A happy new start this nice uh Thursday Morning over here as we prepare for Perhaps The big move the big move of which there Is another little Notch within the belt Of the higher term time frames that We've been following up on for the past Couple weeks here actually the past like Month here essentially now and I wanted To uh essentially speak about what the Next major thing to be expected is of Course going over the lower term Timeframes as well last 24 hours been More or less uneventful very much Sideways but I do suspect that this is Brewing up for a big resolution between Now and five days from now so that would Be putting us basically between now and Thanksgiving so with that said Um let's just jump right into it right Now and start it off with the five day Time frame so we were looking at this Time frame we have been looking at this Time frame for you know months now Basically but yesterday we were looking At it as potentially about to confirm a Cross to the downside why is that

Actually relevant well this is a Volatility versatile momentum signature Over here and volatility is going to be Represented by this particular indicator The bbwp and anytime that it has gotten Down to extreme lows fully contraction Uh fully contracted below 15 percentile Is how I Define that well over the past Four to five years now that's led to an Average move afterwards of about 42 spot 35 over the course of the next 37 days And we do have a first standard Deviation uh based off of the prior Results in the past five years between 30 to 35 and a quarter percent all the Way up to about 49.5 so that gives us Areas of interest Um upon validation of this signal of Which do we have a validation well I Suspect yes as it with the last closure Last night we do see that five-day bbwp Is now above above above the 15 Percentile markers so we have expansion Of volatility plus the direction of the Five days till Casco oscillator is now Crossing to the downside and will be Remaining to the downside as long as Bitcoin is closed in the next five day Time frame so that would be on the 23rd Or sorry 22nd apologies here Um anywhere below 17 700 on spot price Action not CME but but spot price action Right here so That is to say as long as Bitcoin is

Below that pivot bears are still in Control I would even go as far to say That as long as Bitcoin is one either Below the 18 000 marker on a weekly Closing basis or 18 500 on a daily Closing basis uh yes bearas are in Control on the higher term time frames Of course that doesn't mean on the lower Term timeframes that you know you're Going to see your rallies here and there Obviously we'll go over that a little Bit later but on the higher term time Frames yes that's kind of where I have The line of the sand for myself and in This case the five-day stochastic also Has actually been correct in getting the Direction of the volatility expansion Direction Um actually it's been perfect in the Past uh five years now doesn't mean it's Always gonna be like that obviously I Mean we do expect this to fail at some Point but uh well as long as it is to The downside I would still say that risk Remains to the downside and we can look At these stats over here as well giving Us some areas of Interest so keep in Mind that we will on average look for This move to play out you know in the Next 37 days now technically speaking The same know was really born on the Last major hide about uh 21 yeah a Little bit above 21 000 bucks so we've Already seen about let me just measure

It out over here Um we've already seen about 10 days to 15 days of this uh sorry 15 days of this Um transpire so we probably expect this To be going into about the middle point Maybe even the end point of December so Ultimately as long as you can these Conditions are met I still look at the Downside as more relevant here so let's Now take these measurements and see what Those areas of interest to the downside Would be obviously we've already seen a Pretty you know Hefty move to the Downside that was forecasted by the Two-day time frame of which we'll Briefly go over in a second but for Right now if we were to go over this Particular time frame well Uh 35 which would be the lower end of The first standard deviation would put You at or not U but Bitcoin in the mid 13 000 territory so anywhere between About thirteen five to thirteen thousand Dollar even would be kind of the next Major area of Interest upon continuation Very specific key right there we'll talk About uh what sort of price actually Would be needed to indicate continuation Is relevant you know now rather than Just a uh rather than relevant you know Maybe as a potential later now of course If we go for the full average which is About 42 that would put Bitcoin at about Uh around 12 000 to 11 and a half

Thousand bucks and for 49.5 that would Put Bitcoin uh just below 11 000 bucks Which also is Um confluent with the two-day time frame Signal that we've been looking at as Well here so again that is essentially The areas of interest um upon downside Continuation coming into basically mid To end of December and until Bitcoin Again crosses back Above This level Specifically right here 17 and 700 you Know I look at that as more relevant Because we are starting to witness Volatility expansion to follow up on the Two-day time frame which is actually Closing tonight I'm gonna go over the Full signal here but you can see that a Lot of the same areas of Interest are You know relevant on this particular Chart I should denote however that this Is CME Futures not spot price action so There's slightly different prices here As there is about a 300 discount between Spot and CME right now but ultimately The pivot as it is is going to be twenty Thousand bucks so as long as Bitcoin is Closing tonight below 20 000 bucks which Looks dare I say about the likely uh Again risk remains to the downside so Keep that in mind and let's now move Into the shorter term time frames of Which I'll go in over here so shorter Term time frames what's our range highs Which are range loads it's basically the

Same thing as before and what is the Range highs sixteen thousand nine fifty To the upside versus the range flows Which would be essentially 15 400 to the Downside now we did say yesterday that Any sort of a closure below about the 16 000 or so region would start to confirm This as a local high thus a lower high Thus confirming hidden bearish Divergence between this point over here And this point over here as there is Higher highs on RSI alongside lower Highs on price action well you know that Looks like it is holding to tuition so I'm looking at this as you know likely To trade back down to the bottom side of The range probably there's going to be Stops along the way of course but we are Starting to see that full hour bbwp is Reversing from a contraction phase now Looking for potential expansion between Today Thursday and tomorrow Friday so if This is going to play out I do expect it To to happen within the next 48 hours Probably very likely on Friday maybe Today Thursday but Friday is typically The day for moves anyways in this case Um you know the contractive phase on Full hour bbwp was giving us a you know A bias at the current move was a Corrective move and corrective within The current context of the trend is you Know a short-term time frame bounce and You know that's what we've gotten it

Bounced into a lower high so I don't Really have anything to change right There but let's talk about rain Resolutions for a second and then Actually before we talk about range Resolutions let's talk about uh lower Term time frame stochastic momentum and Then we'll talk about range resolutions So in this case um stochastic momentum On The Daily Remains the downside with Any sort of a closure below 17 000 bucks Again you know it's not like it's not Like unheard of to see a 500 to 800 Rally before end of day but as of right Now Bitcoin is well below 17 000 bucks Obviously if we go to the 12 hour time Frame the 12 hour pivot is currently at Fifteen thousand seven twenty again this Is on CME so there is a bit of a Discount here on price action six hour Time frame is going to be showing Downside pressure below 16 200 which CME Is trading very close to as of right now Uh by the way this one closes in the Next hour and 20 minutes so definitely Keep an eye on that four hour time frame Is going to be showing downside pressure As long as Bitcoins below sixteen Thousand four Thirty which currently Obviously it is and then the hourly is Going to be showing downside as long as Bitcoin is below 16 280 which again it Is about UH 60 to 70 bucks below as of Right now so keep that in mind as you

Know the lower term time frames and the Medium term time frames and the higher Term time frame starting to all align With each other that is usually what I Look for ultimately but let's quickly Talk about short-term time frame range Resolution because as always you know Random does happen obviously and in This case what essentially would be an Indication of me that Bitcoin is not Necessarily super bearish from the Short-term time frames it is very likely To pop back up maybe even tagging around 18 000 bucks well I need to see either a Full hour closure above about nineteen Thousand six uh sorry 90. apologies Dyslexia speaking right there uh what I Mean to say is is 16 950 or an hourly Above about seventeen thousand uh 200 or So if one of those two sets of criteria Happens then I do look for a move very Likely back onto the range highs here uh The 0.5 to the 618 that's kind of My Line in the Sand for the higher term Time frames again 18 000 bucks on a Weekly closure what's tomorrow is Friday And then uh a day or a daily above Eighteen thousand five if that happens Barrow is no longer in control lower Term time frames start to bleed into Higher term time frames and we start to Look at this as very likely to move back Up towards 20 000 and probably beyond For a bit and so we can just look at

This all as a figment of our Imaginations no problem no problem at All whatsoever I can just take this red Girthy dildo out of my and no Problem baby unplug that hole Thank you for that Elsa anyways So rudely interrupted A resolution to the downside however Would very likely Propel not just the Lower term temperatures but also bleed Into the higher term time frames Bringing into the view both the two-day Time frame signal and the five-day time Frame signal would be a full hour time Frame closure below the range flows here At 15 375 or 15 400 if you just round up again Specifically for CM if you see that then Very likely we do get the next move to The downside and those areas of interest That we spoke about earlier between About 13 5 to 13 and then well so on and So forth become relevant again there's Going to be very likely short-term time Frame stops along the way but ultimately Um I still don't really look for things That happen until Bitcoin actually Closed below there and realistically I'd Really want to see a higher term time Frame close below there uh as you know We are kind of you know we'd be talking About a pretty damn big move over here So I do think that would be better to Err on the side of caution just

Personally although this is not finished Fuss I'm not a French advisor this is Just the way that I'm looking at Price Action as it is right now for better or Worse anyways other than that I think That's a good place to kind of leave off On this particular video we're about 11 Minutes in anything else that I want to Say yes yes yes it's almost Black Friday So I want to warn you don't buy any Products don't buy any programs on our Uh on our on our uh on our app um just Wait just wait a week and it'll be about 20 uh cheaper maybe maybe no it'll be 20 It'll be 20 uh off for Black Friday so I Just want to make sure that everyone has Full information there so you don't fomo In there's no there's never any need to Foam one of course and make sure to Watch the videos that you actually know But you're getting yourself into and can Make the proper decision for yourself as You are more capable of doing that than I am for you all right sweet I think That's a good place to be leaving it off I want to once again uh wish you the Best best as always take care much love And see you hopefully soon